
Best available rate

Welcome to the hotel

Thanks to its dream location in the heart of the legendary Latin Quarter, the Hotel Oratio opens the doors to a special side of Paris that has the welcoming feel of a small village. Let yourself be guided by its illuminated sign and enter its unique world.

Passers-by, locals and merchants bring life and zest to our streets, and the Oratio has decided to celebrate them. Wali from La Route du Thé, Pierre of the Bon Vivant bistro, Isabelle from the Maison Isabelle bakery… Here, the story of the neighbourhood is told to you through portraits of 39 of the hotel's local friends.

As a nod to these unique personalities, the hotel's 39 rooms provide the perfect balance between authenticity and modernity, offering a unique view of either the neighbouring church or the interior patio.

From the harmonious decor to the attentive team, every detail has been carefully thought out so that the whole envelops you in a Wes Anderson softness, promising welcoming comfort at any time of the day or night.

More than just a hotel, the Oratio is a haven of peace a stone's throw from the Jardin des Plantes and the Jardin du Luxembourg. So, don’t hesitate to drop off your luggage at the Oratio and head out to embrace the city and all it has to offer.


Our Rooms

Superior Balcony
Superior Balcony

Our offers

Best Rate Offer


Breakfast offer for sunday bookings


Early booking rate


Green Eco







City guide
City guide

Contact us

(+33) 01 89 16 57 51
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